Legal Resistance Under Authoritarianism (Author)
(To be published in 2025)
Hong Kong Politics after the National Security Law: Autocratization and Its Consequences (2025, contributor)
Ortmann, Lau and Chan, together with the contributors provide an innovative assessment of the impact of the National Security Law on Hong Kong politics. The law was introduced by the Chinese government in 2020 and has since fundamentally transformed the political landscape of the former British colony. The book explores how Hong Kong's transformation in governance, law, education, and civil society has amounted to one of the most significant episodes of autocratization in the world in recent years.
Contemporary Hong Kong Government and Politics (2024, contributor)
In the third edition of Contemporary Hong Kong Government and Politics, contributors provide the latest analyses in many aspects of Hong Kong’s government and politics, such as political institutions, mediating institutions, and political actors.